
Access to virtual rehearsal
Early bird access to tickets
Lottery for surprise tickets, VIP access and more
Complementary ticket per season (1)
10% merchandise discount
Mention on website

Access to virtual rehearsal
Early bird access to tickets
Lottery for surprise tickets, VIP access and more
Complementary ticket per season (2)
10% merchandise discount
Mention on website

Access to virtual rehearsal
Early bird access to tickets
Lottery for surprise tickets, VIP access and more
Complementary ticket per season (4)
10% merchandise discount
Mention on website
2 VIP tickets per season

Access to virtual rehearsal
Early bird access to tickets
Lottery for surprise tickets, VIP access and more
Complementary ticket per season (4)
10% merchandise discount
Mention on website
2 VIP tickets per season
Playbill acknowledgment

Access to virtual rehearsal
Early bird access to tickets
Lottery for surprise tickets, VIP access and more
Complementary ticket per season (6)
10% merchandise discount
Mention on website
4 VIP tickets per season
Playbill acknowledgment
Opportunity to join the Board of Directors

Access to virtual rehearsal
Access to in-person rehearsal
Early bird access to tickets
Lottery for surprise tickets, VIP access and more
Complementary ticket per season (8)
10% merchandise discount
Mention on website
4 VIP tickets per season
Playbill acknowledgment
Backstage access
Opportunity to join the Board of Directors

Access to virtual rehearsal
Access to in-person rehearsal
Access to Dress Rehearsal
Early bird access to tickets
Lottery for surprise tickets, VIP access and more
Complementary ticket per season (10)
10% merchandise discount
Mention on website
8 VIP tickets per season
Playbill acknowledgment
Backstage access
Invitation to Special Events
Opportunity to join the Board of Directors
$100,000- $200,000

Access to virtual rehearsal
Access to in-person rehearsal
Access to Dress Rehearsal
Early bird access to tickets
Lottery for surprise tickets, VIP access and more
Complementary ticket per season (12)
10% merchandise discount
Mention on website
10 VIP tickets per season
Playbill acknowledgment
Backstage access
Opportunity to join the Board of Directors
Invitation to Special Events
$200,000 and over

Access to virtual rehearsal
Access to in-person rehearsal
Access to Dress Rehearsal
Early bird access to tickets
Lottery for surprise tickets, VIP access and more
Complementary ticket per season (14)
10% merchandise discount
Mention on website
12 VIP tickets per season
Playbill acknowledgment
Backstage access
Opportunity to join the Board of Directors
Invitation to Special Events
Custom Experience

Thank you to our partners and sponsors:
Pasadena Civic Ballet

Thank you so much for your support!